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Silver Pheasant
Lophura nycthemera
Silver Pheasant at The Farm at Walnut Creek

The Silver Pheasant (Lophura nycthemera) is a species of pheasant found in forests, mainly in mountains, of mainland Southeast Asia, and eastern and southern China, with introduced populations in Hawaii and various locations in the US mainland. The male is black and white, while the female is mainly brown. Both genders have a bare red face and red legs (the latter separating it from the greyish-legged Kalij Pheasant).[2] It is common in aviculture, and overall also remains common in the wild, but some of its subspecies (notably whiteheadi from Hainan, engelbachi from southern Laos, and annamensis from southern Vietnam) are rare and threatened.[2]

Physical Description
This is a relatively large pheasant, with males of the largest subspecies having a total length of 120 to 125 centimeters (47 to 49 in), including a tail of up to 75 centimeters (30 in), while the males of the smallest subspecies barely reach 70 centimeters (28 in) in total length, including a tail of about 30 centimeters (12 in).[2] Females of all subspecies are significantly smaller than their respective males, with the largest only reaching about 70 centimeters (28 in) in total length.[2] Males of the northern subspecies, which are the largest, have white upperparts and tail (most feathers with some black markings), while their underparts and crest are glossy bluish-black. The males of the southern subspecies have greyer upperparts and tail with extensive black markings, making them appear far darker than the northern subspecies.[2] The adult male plumage is reached in the second year. Females are brown and shorter-tailed than the males. Females of some subspecies have whitish underparts strongly patterned with black, and in whiteheadi this extends to the upper mantle.
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