The Farm at Walnut Creek is Closed for the Season
We are closed for the winter season and look forward to seeing you next spring.
The African Crowned Crane is quite tall for a Crane, at about three feet high when they are fully mature, with the crown making them appear taller still.
They are among the largest of the cranes with a wing span that can reach 6 1/2 - 7 ft. across when they are in flight.
The East African Crowned Crane is found near rivers and wetlands, usually in marshy grasslands near rivers or lakes in Eastern Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The Crowned Crane is also the national bird of Uganda.
Social and gregarious during most of the year, moving about in flocks of up to 100 and roosting in trees or riverbeds.
They have a very loud and melodious cry that they give while in flight, which has led to some of the beliefs that are held about them being magical creatures by the local African people who live near them or in their range.
Many people believe that the cranes are able to bring the rains with them and many of them will also incorporate the cranes, or their actions into their own sacred rituals in order to bring about the rainy season.
The cranes’ long legs and necks and excellent peripheral vision help them spot predators in the tall Savannah grasses.
Two to three eggs are laid, and both parents take turns incubating them for the thirty days it takes for the chicks to hatch. The chicks can run as soon as they hatch, and can fly within 10 weeks.
The cranes remain monogamous, and even after the chicks leave the nest the pair remains together, and will breed each season strictly with each other, remaining paired for life.
All cranes, these as well as most other varieties are famous for the spectacular dances they do when mating, which involves head-bobbing, wing fluttering, leaps and bows. Both sexes dance, and immature birds join the adults. Dancing is an integral part of courtship but also may be done at any time of the year.
An omnivore, the crowned crane eats plants, seeds, grain, insects, frogs, worms, snakes, small fish and eggs of water animals. Stamping their feet as they walk, they flush out insects which are quickly caught and eaten.
“Many swamps and marshes where crowned cranes nest are being drained for agriculture. Crowned cranes are popular attractions in zoos and are often the victims of illegal trade. Though not yet considered endangered, their future is far from certain.” says the Red List